indian cinema heritage foundation

Purana Mandir (1984)

  • Release Date1984
  • GenreComedy, Horror, Drama
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time144 min
  • Length4124.96 meters
  • Number of Reels16
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate Number223
  • Certificate Date15/10/1984
  • Shooting LocationEsel, Filmistan & Film City

There was a curse upon the clan of Thakur Ranvir Singh!

“When the first-born takes his first breath, the Mother will breathe her last”.

Over two hundered years ago Samri had put this curse upon the clan of Thakur when he was ordered to be executed by the rulers of Bijapur who were the ancestors of Thakur.

Thakur believed in the curse, because when he himself had taken his first breath his mother took her last. In further rpoof of the curse his own wife had died giving birth to Suman, his lovely daughter. Thakur had nothing to worry. The dreaded Samri was dead over two hundred years ago, his head was severed and buried beneath the old Mansion which was the ancestral home of Thakur in Bijapur and the headless body lay beneath the ruins of an old Temple. There was nothing to fear…. But for the curse? Suman must not marry Sanjay.

Thakur pleaded with his daughter that she must not marry…. That she cannot marry… When she revolted he pleaded with Sanjay, the young man she desired to wed. “Suman’s first born will be the death of Suman”.

But Thakur pleaded in vain. Suman and Sanjay with two friends left for Bijapur. They had decided to find out the story of the curse and prove that Thakur was wrong. They reached the mansion under which the severed head of the dreaded Samri lay buried, breathing—waiting, his eyes glaring in hate, the hate that was two hundred years old.

The young couples took refuge in the old mansion. The sun had set and somewhere in the distance the dog howled its evil cry—Then the scream of Suman shook the very walls of the Mansion. The silence of the night was shattered because—The evil rose from beneath the crumbling ruins of the old temple—unspeakable evil—uncanny—bizarre—grotesque.

The dreaded evil had waited for two hundred years for its terrible revenge and had now returned to claim his victims. But first the headless corpse of Samri had to be united with the living severed head—then will the ultimate terror begin…….

(From the official press booklet)



Films by the same director